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BlogReforestum announces partnership with Ecosphere+ to finance conservation and restoration projects in vital, threatened ecosystems

Reforestum announces partnership with Ecosphere+ to finance conservation and restoration projects in vital, threatened ecosystems

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Ecosphere+ and the integration of their projects, such Sumatra Merang Peatland in South Sumatra or Cordillera Azul in Peru, in our platform.
Alban Bressand pictureAlban Bressand · News · Nov 2020

Reforestum is on a mission to connect and empower citizens and organisations under the common goal of reversing climate change. By collaboratively protecting and restoring the earth’s forest ecosystems, we can build a cleaner, healthier and fairer future for ourselves and the generations to come.

To further our impact, we are pleased to announce our partnership with Ecosphere+ to finance conservation and restoration projects in vital, threatened ecosystems, through integrating their projects onto our platform.

two people hugging a tree

We join cutting-edge technology with leading forest conservation projects to give stakeholders access to available data and build greater trust and transparency into forest carbon markets in order to take action on climate change. Our platform enables businesses and end-consumers to engage with the projects they support, building long-lasting investment and creating a connection that goes beyond each purchase. Furthermore, our platform makes it easier than ever to integrate carbon offsetting as part of company processes – whether internal or external, offering APIs and a simple interface to support projects in a scalable, transparent and engaging way. We put you in control of your climate action, and make it visible for the world to see.

Funding the right projects in the right way is at the heart of what we do. Therefore, we are thrilled to announce today our new partnership with Ecosphere+ to protect indigenous forest in the Peruvian Amazon and peatland rainforest in Indonesia’s South Sumatra. Through this partnership, Reforestum is proud to support some of the world's most accredited forest conservation projects, which protect threatened forest vital to carbon sequestration, conserve key biodiversity and support sustainable development of local, indigenous communities.
Diego Sanz
Diego SanzCEO and founder of Reforestum
We are delighted to be working with Reforestum who are using technology to scale climate action. Innovative new solutions, like their platform to make carbon measurement and putting a price on carbon easy, will aggregate the actions of the many to make a huge collective impact
Lisa Walker
Lisa WalkerCEO Ecosphere+
World map with the location of reforestum forests

You can already check out the projects on our platform here, and will be able to support them to offset your carbon footprint in the coming days. The financing you provide by purchasing carbon credits offers a way to support climate action on the ground. In Indonesia, in partnership with local organisation Forest Carbon, the Sumatra Merang Peatland Project is restoring one of the largest and deepest peat swamp areas in South Sumatra, home to hundreds of unique and endangered species, including the Sumatran Tiger. In Peru, your funding helps protect 1.6 million hectares of critical rainforest ecosystem and supports alternative livelihoods for local and indigenous communities. Projects you can be proud to support, doing your part to mitigate your impact.

We’re proud to offer you carbon offsetting that now takes us all that extra bit closer to the cleaner, healthier and fairer future we can create together.

Alban Bressand
CRO and Cofounder
Carbon markets and sustainability expert, 8 years experience in renewable energy and b2b SaaS sales. BA in Economics from Columbia University and MBA from Cambridge University